Thursday 17 October 2024

Khutbah at Masjid al-Haram on Tawheed - The Unity of Allah

 Khutbah at Masjid al-Haram on Tawheed –

The Unity of Allah*

Dr Mozammel Haque

Sheikh Dr. Bandar al-Balilah, Imam at the Masjid al-Haram, in his Jumah Khutbah Friday at the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah, said on the Unity of Allah, the Tawheed on 12 February, 2021, “We all realise that we are all hundred percent dependent on the Creator Who created human beings from nothing and Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has provided us all the facilities of life and only ask that they should believe only in Allah and worship Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sincerely with sincerity and without associating anyone . As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is the Creator, Sustainer and Nurture, then He is only worthy of worship and He should be worshipped exclusively without any association. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that Allah has created and facilitated all the life and all the supports of life; so don’t associate anyone with your Creator.”


He also mentioned, “As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sent Adam Alaihey wa Salam on this earth with pure Tawheed, pure worship of Oneness of Allah and Creator. People only knew Allah and their Creator, their Sustainer to worship but Shaitan and his associates they led the humanity astray into associating something with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has mentioned that in the beginning humanity all believe in Allah but Shaitan they led humanity astray to associate and to worship other things besides Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that people were simple and on One Deen and on one community but then they were taken away by Shaitan.”

Sheikh al-Balilah mentioned, “Then Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sent Messengers to bring them back to the way of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala – to the Unity of Allah and to the worship of Allah as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says  We sent Messengers to bring the humanity back to recognising and worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As Nuh Alaihey wa Salam declared that O people, worship Allah Alone. I do not know anyone else worthy of worship. Similarly, after Nuh Alaihey wa Salam, Hud and other prophets were sent; Saleh were sent; Messenger Shoaib were sent. So Prophet after Prophet they all invited people  to worship Allah, as a Oneness of Allah and not associate anything with anything else.”

 The Imam of the Masjid al-Haram said, “The Dawah and to call towards Unity of Allah, unity of worship is central to the Messengerhood. The forefathers of all the Messengers, Ibrahim Alaihey wa Salam. He is the utmost outstanding leader of the Unity, Tawheed. He re-asserted Hanifiyah which is the Oneness of Allah in purest form. Allah Subhanahu wa Taala praises him very much and ask others that people should follow Ibrahim and Millat of Ibrahim and that Millat and that religion is religion of Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah – he was not Jews and Christians but he was beyond Judaism and Christianity and he asserted Oneness of Allah only.”

Sheikh al-Balilah mentioned, “As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala chose Ibrahim to be His Khalil, His close associate and as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala chose Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam as His close associate. Associate meaning in terms of the friendship inviting the most devoted person to invite towards the Unity of Allah. Ibrahim was Hanif, purifying the Unity of Allah and He never associates anything with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. I urge all of us to follow the Millat and the Deen of Ibrahim Alaihey wa Sallam as Rasulullah Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has also urged to follow the footsteps of Ibrahim and that was Unity of Allah and bearing witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah without any associate.”

The Imam of the Masjid al-Haram said, “Tawheed is central to the Message of the Qur’an and there are various dimension of Unity of Allah. First of all, His Attributes, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala’s Attributes knowing and  understanding that Allah and His Attributes are all unique and there is no one anywhere near anything with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. That is every single verse of the Qur’an - every Surah of the Qur’an is central to express about the Unity of Allah as Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Assurance that there is no one associated with Allah in Attributes, in Creation and in everything which Allah we see as a Sign of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.  In Qur’an Allah Subhanahu wa Taala shows us and reports us all those people who associated other people with Allah and they were the losers.”

Sheikh al-Balilah also mentioned, “The Qur’an is full of description of those people who worship Allah as a Unity, as a Tawheed and those people who lost because of associating with it. Like Surat al-Fatiha is the utmost reaffirmation of Unity of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Rewarded are those people Who worship Allah Subhanahu wa Taala as a Unity, as only One without any association and those who led astray they are the only people who are condemned. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that Allah bears witness and the Angels bear witness and all the people of knowledge bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah without any association. Kalima La Ilaha Illallah is the most affirmative statement to the Unity of Allah.”

The Imam of the Masjid al-Haram said, “Tawheed means that Allah is Only Most Perfect Being one can ever  imagine and one can ever possible. This witnessing that Allah Subhanahu wa Taala asserts His Unity, His Uniqueness and His Perfection. There is nothing higher than Tawheed and nothing more derogatory than associating someone with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala in any of the creation work. As it is being re-enforced in various forms and shapes as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam was asked to say that all my prayer and all my life and all my sacrifices are for the sake of Allah alone and I don’t associate any one with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala in any form and shape.”

 Sheikh al-Balilah also mentioned, “Tawheed only means that we devotedly do worship Allah for the sake of His own pleasure and nothing else. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said in Surat–ul-Bayyinah that all the people were asked to worship Allah secludedly devotedly without any association. Worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala means leaving other side not calling anyone else besides Allah and no one has that knowledge and power as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says no one has any control in this world. In all our affairs we should not think about anyone except Allah. In all our affairs, only we love Allah, our Creator and those who are worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.”

The Imam of the Masjid al-Haram said, “Tawheed is the central point to the belief system and Islamic system and Tawheed is the only which will give us salvation. Tawheed implies the rights of our Creator. As Muaiz Radhiallahu Anhu was asked by Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam that do you know what is the rights of our Creator on the servants? Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam explained that it is required that people just worship Allah without associating anyone else.”


Full Khutbah at Masjid al-Haram

Followings are the full khutbah at the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah, delivered by Sheikh Dr. Bandar al-Balilah on 12 February, 2021, [rendered into English by Mufti Barkatullah @ Islam Channel, UK]

 Sheikh Dr Bandar al-Balilah started Khutbah by saying: Indeed, all praise belongs to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. We praise Allah and we seek forgiveness from Allah from the bad effects of all our actions. Those whom Allah leads astray nobody can guide them and I bear testimony that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger and His servant and he is the leader of the humanity. May Allah send peace and blessings on him and on his family and companions.

“After the praise, let us urge myself and you to observe Taqwa. After Taqwa let me urge myself and others that we should be sincere and devoted and secluded and worship Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. We all realise that we are all hundred percent dependent on the Creator Who created human beings from nothing and Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has provided us all the facilities of life and only ask that they should believe only in Allah and worship Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sincerely with sincerity and without associating anyone . As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is the Creator, Sustainer and Nurture, then He is only worthy of worship and He should be worshipped exclusively without any association. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that Allah has created and facilitated all the life and all the supports of life; so don’t associate anyone with your Creator.

“As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sent Adam Alaihey wa Salam on this earth with pure Tawheed, pure worship of Oneness of Allah and Creator. People only knew Allah and their Creator, their Sustainer to worship but Shaitan and his associates they led the humanity astray into associating something with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has mentioned that in the beginning humanity all believe in Allah but Shaitan they led humanity astray to associate and to worship other things besides Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that people were simple and on One Deen and on one community but then they were taken away by Shaitan.

“Then Allah Subhanahu wa Taala sent Messengers to bring them back to the way of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala – to the Unity of Allah and to the worship of Allah as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says  We sent Messengers to bring the humanity back to recognising and worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. As Nuh Alaihey wa Salam declared that O people, worship Allah Alone. I do not know anyone else worthy of worship. Similarly, after Nuh Alaihey wa Salam, Hud and other prophets were sent;  Saleh were sent; Messenger Shoaib were sent. So Prophet after Prophet they all invited people  to worship Allah, as a Oneness of Allah and not associate anything with anything else.

“The Dawah and to call towards Unity of Allah, unity of worship is central to the Messengerhood. The forefathers of all the Messengers, Ibrahim Alaihey wa Salam. He is the utmost outstanding leader of the Unity, Tawheed. He re-asserted Hanifiyah which is the Oneness of Allah in purest form. Allah Subhanahu wa Taala praises him very much and ask others that people should follow Ibrahim and Millat of Ibrahim and that Millat and that religion is religion of Tawheed, the Oneness of Allah – he was not Jews and Christians but he was beyond Judaism and Christianity and he asserted Oneness of Allah only.

“As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala chose Ibrahim to be His Khalil, His close associate and as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala chose Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam as His close associate. Associate meaning in terms of the friendship inviting the most devoted person to invite towards the Unity of Allah. Ibrahim was Hanif, purifying the Unity of Allah and He never associates anything with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. I urge all of us to follow the Millat and the Deen of Ibrahim Alaihey wa Sallam as Rasulullah Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has also urged to follow the footsteps of Ibrahim and that was Unity of Allah and bearing witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah without any associate.


“Tawheed is central to the Message of the Qur’an and there are various dimension of Unity of Allah. First of all, His Attributes, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala’s Attributes knowing and  understanding that Allah and His Attributes are all unique and there is no one anywhere near anything with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. That is every single verse of the Qur’an - every Surah of the Qur’an is central to express about the Unity of Allah as Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Assurance that there is no one associated with Allah in Attributes, in Creation and in everything which Allah we see as a Sign of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.  In Qur’an Allah Subhanahu wa Taala shows us and reports us all those people who associated other people with Allah and they were the losers.

“The Qur’an is full of description of those people who worship Allah as a Unity, as a Tawheed and those people who lost because of associating with it. Like Surat al-Fatiha is the utmost reaffirmation of Unity of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Rewarded are those people Who worship Allah Subhanahu wa Taala as a Unity, as only One without any association and those who led astray they are the only people who are condemned. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that Allah bears witness and the Angels bear witness and all the people of knowledge bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah without any association. Kalima La Ilaha Illallah is the most affirmative statement to the Unity of Allah.

“Tawheed means that Allah is Only Most Perfect Being one can ever  imagine and one can ever possible. This witnessing that Allah Subhanahu wa Taala asserts His Unity, His Uniqueness and His Perfection. There is nothing higher than Tawheed and nothing more derogatory than associating someone with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala in any of the creation work. As it is being re-enforced in various forms and shapes as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam was asked to say that all my prayer and all my life and all my sacrifices are for the sake of Allah alone and I don’t associate any one with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala in any form and shape.

“Let us seek forgiveness and Istighfar from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala for anything we did wrong with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala, our Creator.


Second Part

“All praise belongs to Allah and we praise Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to re-enforce His Unity, His Tawheed and then Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam is His Messenger and servant. May Allah send peace and blessings and salutation on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam. Tawheed only means that we devotedly do worship Allah for the sake of His own pleasure and nothing else. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said in Surat–ul-Bayyinah that all the people were asked to worship Allah secludedly devotedly without any association. Worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala means leaving other side not calling anyone else besides Allah and no one has that knowledge and power as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says no one has any control in this world. In all our affairs we should not think about anyone except Allah in all our affairs. Only we love Allah our Creator and those who are worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.”

“Tawheed is the central point to the belief system and Islamic system and Tawheed is the only which will give us salvation. Tawheed implies the rights of our Creator. As Muaiz Radhiallahu Anhu was asked by Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam that do you know what is the rights of our Creator on the servants? Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam explained that it is required that people just worship Allah without associating anyone else.”


Dua and Supplication

“Let us send peace and blessings on Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala reports and asked us that Allah and Angels send peace and blessings on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam. So O Muslims, O believers you also pray for his peace and blessings on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam. Let us pray: O Allah, send peace and blessings on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam, his family and deputies – his Khulafah-e- Rashedeen – his followers and his family members and those who follow Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam till the Day of Judgement. O Allah, give prominence to Islam, religion of Islam and the Muslims and put down all those who oppose Islam. O Allah, give us peace and tranquillity to the lands of Islam and all the believers’ lands. O Allah, grant us all the duas which we ask You. We ask You to guide us, give us Taqwa and give us Tawheed and Ikhlash.”

“O Allah, empower us to live like a Muslim and die as a Muslim and not being affected by any affliction or any derogation. O Allah, grant us peace on our land especially this land of Islam and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his associate. May Allah empower our rulers to work for the betterment of this country and the people.”

“O Allah, improve the situation of Muslims around the world. O Allah, help all those security personnels who are guarding our security and peace. O Allah, give us goodness in this world and Hereafter. And save us from the torments of the Day of Judgement. O Allah, we wrong ourselves. If You don’t forgive us we will be the losers. Allah always urges you to administer justice and obedience and be away from disobedience. Allah is urging you to join the relationship. So let us thank Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and praise Him and Allah’s name be glorified and holified.”


*First published in March 2021


Courtesy: @Islam Channel, U.K.


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