Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic on Islam and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian President Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic on
Islam and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Mozammel Haque
Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic, the Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, toured the beautiful new building of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OXCIS), Oxford, on 28 October, 2013. The building was only in the planning stages when he visited the Centre twelve years ago, that was in April, 2001, he came with his father, Alija Izetbegovic who gave a lecture at the Centre entitled “Bosnia on the Historical Border.”

Bosnian President at the Oxford
Centre for Islamic Studies
Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic gave a lecture at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford, entitled “The Quest for Dignity, Freedom and Democracy in the Islamic World: A Bosnian Muslim’s Perspective” at the Examination Schools, Oxford, on 28 October 2013. This write-up is based entirely on the lecture delivered by the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  I am grateful to the Bosnian Ambassador in the UK, Mr; Mustafa Mujezinovic, and his staff for their cooperation and I am also grateful to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies for inviting me to attend the lecture.

Alija Izetbegovic
Bosnian President started his lecture with an introduction to the former President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, saying, “In his rich and eventful life my father was many things: a writer, a dissident, a statesman. If I had to describe the essence of his vocation and commitment, I would say he was a fighter for freedom, equality and dignity of Muslims, and for the proper understanding of Islam. He had visions and dreams of the awakening of Muslims from centuries of lethargy, and of the return of the Islamic world to the centre stage of history.”

He quoted from one of his early works, Alija Izetbegovic wrote: “The entire Muslim world is in a state of ferment and change. No matter what this world will look like after these changes make their first upward cycle, one thing is certain: it will no longer be the world of the first half of this century. The age of passivity and stagnation has passed forever. For, a world of 700 million people, with tremendous natural resources, occupying a first class geographical position, the world which is heir to colossal cultural and political traditions and the bearer of the living Islamic mission, cannot long remain in a position of subjection. There is no power that can prevent the new Muslim generation from putting an end to this abnormal state.”

Forty four years have passed since these words were written, said Bosnian President Bakir Izetbegovic and continued, “The number of Muslims in the world has since doubled. The economic power of the Ummah has grown tenfold. The number of schools, students and teachers in some parts of the Islamic world has increased hundredfold. The flourishing of the Islamic world has begun to disrupt its ossified structures of power. We are witnessing social fractures, revolutions and conflicts. Profound social and political changes that have been fermenting for decades are finally moving in the direction of creating free societies and democratic structures of government. A well-educated, free-thinking generation of Muslims is yearning for free societies instead of closed ones, the rule of law instead of the rule of one person, democracy instead of authoritarianism, justice and fairness instead of oppression and corruption. No force can stop this generation from winning freedom, taking charge of their destiny and taking part in shaping the world of the future. No matter all the staggering, mistakes, crises, and stalemates, this process is irreversible and unstoppable.”

Inclusive Islam
Bosnian President said, “The spirit of Islam is inclusive. It acknowledges all that is good and progressive. It is not destructive. It builds and upgrades. Anything that makes the world better and liberates human creativity cannot be against Islam. Anything that is truly Islamic cannot be against freedom, progress and the liberation of human potential.”

Muslim contribution to universal
culture and civilization
He also mentioned, “In not so distant past, Muslims made colossal contributions to the development of universal culture and civilization because that generation of Muslims accepted, with joy and curiosity, and then cultivated, the knowledge discovered in the conquered territories. One Byzantine emperor noted with amazement that an Arab general, whom he called "barbarian,” sought, as a term of armistice, the right to purchase Greek manuscripts. Cultural, scientific, and technological ideas and advances could not be prevented from disseminating even then, in the time when the territories and nations were strictly separated.”

Formula of inclusiveness and integration
“There is an intense battle of ideas and ideologies, which permeate, collide and create synergies,” mentioned Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic and said, “Muslims must engage in this battle. We must remain open to dialogue. We must not be poisoned by the bitterness accumulated through centuries of physical and spiritual domination by the West. We must not fall into the trap of radicalism. We must not give in to the desire for revenge. We must not fear the other and the different. We must not subscribe to the dangerous ideologies of isolation, introversion and exclusiveness. We have to look for a formula of inclusiveness, for a functional combination of the original Islamic values and the best of values we consider Western and modern. European Muslims play a special role in the quest for this formula of integration and inclusiveness because we are in direct contact with and immersed in Western culture, and because we have a special interest in reconciling the traditional within and the modern around us.”

Europe is not the birthplace of
Any monotheistic religion
Europe is not the birthplace of any monotheistic religion. President Izetbegovic mentioned, “When we talk about Islam and Muslims in Europe, it is necessary to immediately refute the view that Europe is exclusively Christian and that European culture is exclusively Judeo-Christian. It is especially important to refute the dangerous fallacy about the alleged cultural and civilizational conflict between the supposedly progressive Christian Europe, on one hand, and supposedly retrograde Islamic-Oriental threat, on the other hand.”

“Europe is not the birth place of any of the great monotheistic religions. Jesus Christ was neither born, nor did he preach in Europe. All three great monotheistic religions came from the same source, from the same, relatively narrow geographic region. Most importantly, all three religions brought nearly identical messages and teach identical basic values. Islam is no stranger to Europe. Nor is Islam alien to the spirit of Europe,” said Bosnian President

Islam intensely present in Europe
Quite the contrary, he said, “there probably would not be what we know today as the spirit of Europe without Islam’s contribution to the formation of European identity and culture. Islam has been intensely present in Europe for over 1,300 years, having arrived in some of its parts more than two centuries before Christianity. The Umayyad Caliphate was established on European soil in the early eighth century. The Islamic state had reached heights in philosophy, science, technology and state organization by the time Christianity expanded to eastern, central and northern Europe. Islam influenced the formation of spiritual and cultural identity in north-eastern Europe through the Golden Horde and the Crimean, Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates; and in south-eastern Europe through the vital and powerful Ottoman Empire.”

Humanistic revival in the West
Islamic thought introduced historical science and scientific method and laid the foundation of the Italian Renaissance. Bosnian President said, “Islamic thought initiated the humanistic revival in the West, introduced historical science and the scientific method, helped Scholastics reconcile philosophy with faith, stimulated Western mysticism, laid the foundations of the Italian renaissance, and directed modern European thought until Kant. Muslims were the bearers of progress in that era. They were the bridge between the philosophy and knowledge of the ancient Greece and the science of the Western world. Much has been written and said, including at this Centre, about the contributions of Islamic scholars to medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, geography, architecture and finance. All of this clearly confirms that Muslims are the co-creators, and thus co-owners, of European culture and civilization.”

Bosnia: A meeting place of ideas,
religions and interests
The Bosnian Muslims, Bosniaks, are an indigenous European people who have been Muslims for half a millennium. Although small in number, they carry a great burden of history. Mr. Izetbegovic mentioned, “In their struggle for survival and freedom, the Bosniaks have, in their own microcosm, passed through many temptations and resolved some of the critical challenges that Muslims worldwide face today and will face in the future.”

“Throughout its existence, Bosnia was the point of contact of the East and the West, a meeting place of ideas, religions and interests. Above all, it was a place of largely harmonious coexistence of followers of the Abrahamic traditions. Unique to medieval Bosnia was the existence of the indigenous Bosnian Church, which was heretical and close to Catharism and Patarenism. Members of the Bosnian Church, who were called “The Good Bosnians,” did not recognize sacraments, liturgy, church hierarchy, icons, or statues,” he said.

Bosnia: a multi-cultural multi-religious society
Explaining the multi-cultural and multi-religious character of the Bosnian society, Bosnian President said, “What Bosnia really was – a multi-cultural and multi-religious society – was built through centuries of peace, tolerance, and respect for the other and the different. Sarajevo is a city with hundreds of minarets, but also a city of many great churches and synagogues. Amid Catholic cathedrals and a striking Orthodox church, there is a large Protestant and an Adventist church. Located within one square kilometre in the historic part of Sarajevo, these houses of worship almost physically touch and lean on one another. “

“The Bosnian language and the Bosnian script appear in the Charter of Kulin Ban of 1189, in which this ruler of Bosnia gave certain guarantees to the Republic of Dubrovnik (Republic of Ragusa). The first vocabulary of the Bosnian language was printed as early as 1631,” he mentioned. .

Bosniaks accepted Islam before the arrival of Ottomans
Speaking about the Islamic faith of the people of Bosnia, the Bosniaks, President Izetbegovic mentioned, “The Bosniaks had already begun accepting Islam before the arrival of the Ottomans to Bosnia. The mass adoption of the new faith gradually occurred during the first century of the Ottoman rule. The Bosniaks and Bosnian Church had resisted – spiritually, politically and militarily – the East and the West, the Vatican and the Byzantium, popes and kings. The Ottoman invasion, however, was not understood as catastrophic because the Turks had in several turns been allies of the Bosnian kings, and because Islam was, in many respects, a natural extension of the faith of “The Good Bosnians.”

Mentioning about the nature of the Ottoman rule, he said, “While the Ottoman Empire was conquering territories, it was not enslaving peoples. It was not obliterating their cultures or forcing them to convert to Islam. Non-Muslims were given the choice of opting out of military service in exchange for a cash payment. They were also given the opportunity to accept Islam, which they often took, and with it military duty and a chance to progress to the top ranks of the Ottoman Empire. After the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire within the borders of present-day Turkey, churches, monasteries, synagogues as well as countries, peoples and cultures were fully preserved. Some historians, therefore, believe the correct translation of the phrase “Osmanli Devlet,” which was the official name of the state, should be the Ottoman Commonwealth, rather than the Ottoman Empire.”

Bosnia under Communist regime
Talking about the life and property of the Bosniaks under the Communist regime, President Izetbegovic said, “The Communist regime that ruled for the following nearly half a century brought some good to the Bosniaks: the nationalisms were muffled, their lives were protected, they had a chance to educate themselves and be part of the government and military establishment. They were not entitled to owning significant assets. Factories, forests, farm fields and larger residential houses they owned were expropriated. They had no right to have their own ethnic name. In censuses they were classified as “undecided,” their language had to be the Serbo-Croatian. They were not allowed to have their Academy of Sciences or other national and cultural institutions.”

“Mosques, madrassas and other institutions of Islamic education were shut down or severely constrained. The Grand Mufti was de facto appointed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Political parties (except the Communist Party) were not allowed to exist. Free media was abolished. Those who resisted the ideological terror of the Communist regime were imprisoned. The resistance of the young Bosniak intellectuals who were organized under the illegal organization “Young Muslims” was crushed with draconian measures and penalties. Its leaders were executed or sentenced to decades in prison. The terror against the Bosniaks that stretched throughout the twentieth century, changing only in form and intensity, caused the bulk of them to seek refuge in exile abroad,”he said.

President of Bosnia also mentioned that about two million Bosniaks live in Bosnia today, while twice as many went to Turkey, the United States and European countries through several waves of emigration.

Complicated government structure
Speaking about the complicated governmental structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, President Izetbegovic said, “The structures of government established by the Dayton Peace Agreement are very complicated. The decision-making procedures provide too many opportunities to block progress. This is why Bosnia is seriously lagging behind on its path towards membership in the European Union. Forces and actors that devastated Bosnia with military means are still strongly present in its political life, and there is always the danger they will try to complete their war aims by political means, by blocking the state and making its institutions dysfunctional. This must be prevented, and stabilizing reforms must be continued, with the help of the international community.”

Bosnia; a crossroads of civilisations
Rebuilding of the multiethnic matrix is needed. Bosnian President said, “The rebuilding of the multiethnic matrix of Bosnia that was torn by force and crimes must be completed. Bosnia is one of those places where relations and emotions from the whole world entangle and untangle. It is a meeting point, a crossroads of civilizations, a bridge between the East and the West. The restoration and preservation of this microcosm is important not only for Bosnia and the Bosniaks. It is of crucial importance for the whole world. It thus should be supported by the whole world.”

President Bakir Izetbegovic said, “ As Surah Al-Balad conveys to us “We created man into hardship ... to climb the steep trail.” The struggle for freedom, dignity and democracy is akin to climbing a treacherous steep trail. “The Bosnian experience teaches that it is easier to climb this trail if you hold tightly to the rope of faith, morality and knowledge; if you are forgiving; if you are not afraid of freedom; if you are not afraid of the other and the different; if you are inclusive; if you protect and nurture diversity; if you embrace change that brings progress; if you can unite diverse forces around a common cause and if you have leadership that is moderate, wise, patient and genuinely rooted in the nation.”

We must harmonize our actions
with His (God’s) Will
Concluding his lecture, Bosnian President said, “We belong to a living faith whose return to the global stage will mark the twenty-first century, a faith that will have to contribute to stopping negative global trends. The growing power of humankind brings progress and prosperity. Yet, the selfish side of that power cuts into the very substance on which our future depends – our physical habitat and our spiritual essence. Our world is changing at a speed and in a direction that is worrysome. There is ever more violence, alienation, injustice, inequality, intolerance, pollution and depletion of natural resources. And there is ever less goodness, justice, compassion, humanity, solidarity, healthy relations and family life.”

“The direction in which the world is going must be changed. Ideologies that do not respect God, or are against God, are obviously not capable of doing that. It can be done only by those who respect the One who created the world and the order of things within it. The wondrous planet on which we live and die is completely unique in the universe. There is nothing like it in the sight of the most powerful telescopes. We are used to it, so this wonder no longer astonishes us,” said Bosnian President and added, “Everything on this planet is a testimony to the Almighty Creator’s touch and His intent to make a home for us. He endowed us with a miraculous gift: free will in a world that is completely determined. We must show appreciation and responsibility. We must harmonize our actions with His Will. We must bear this gift properly, with devotion. Particularly those of us He calls the Devoted.”

Bosnian President on Islam and its contributions to civilizations

Bosnian President Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic on
Islam and its Contributions to Civilizations

Dr. Mozammel Haque
Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic, the Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, toured the beautiful new building of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OXCIS), Oxford, on 28 October, 2013. The building was only in the planning stages when he visited the Centre twelve years ago, that was in April, 2001, he came with his father, Alija Izetbegovic who gave a lecture at the Centre entitled “Bosnia on the Historical Border.”

Bosnian President at the Oxford
Centre for Islamic Studies
Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic gave a lecture at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford, entitled “The Quest for Dignity, Freedom and Democracy in the Islamic World: A Bosnian Muslim’s Perspective” at the Examination Schools, Oxford, on 28 October 2013. This write-up is based entirely on the lecture delivered by the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  I am grateful to the Bosnian Ambassador in the UK, Mr; Mustafa Mujezinovic, and his staff for their cooperation and I am also grateful to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies for inviting me to attend the lecture.

Alija Izetbegovic
Bosnian President started his lecture with an introduction to the former President of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, saying, “In his rich and eventful life my father was many things: a writer, a dissident, a statesman. If I had to describe the essence of his vocation and commitment, I would say he was a fighter for freedom, equality and dignity of Muslims, and for the proper understanding of Islam. He had visions and dreams of the awakening of Muslims from centuries of lethargy, and of the return of the Islamic world to the centre stage of history.”

He quoted from one of his early works, Alija Izetbegovic wrote: “The entire Muslim world is in a state of ferment and change. No matter what this world will look like after these changes make their first upward cycle, one thing is certain: it will no longer be the world of the first half of this century. The age of passivity and stagnation has passed forever. For, a world of 700 million people, with tremendous natural resources, occupying a first class geographical position, the world which is heir to colossal cultural and political traditions and the bearer of the living Islamic mission, cannot long remain in a position of subjection. There is no power that can prevent the new Muslim generation from putting an end to this abnormal state.”

Forty four years have passed since these words were written, said Bosnian President Bakir Izetbegovic and continued, “The number of Muslims in the world has since doubled. The economic power of the Ummah has grown tenfold. The number of schools, students and teachers in some parts of the Islamic world has increased hundredfold. The flourishing of the Islamic world has begun to disrupt its ossified structures of power. We are witnessing social fractures, revolutions and conflicts. Profound social and political changes that have been fermenting for decades are finally moving in the direction of creating free societies and democratic structures of government. A well-educated, free-thinking generation of Muslims is yearning for free societies instead of closed ones, the rule of law instead of the rule of one person, democracy instead of authoritarianism, justice and fairness instead of oppression and corruption. No force can stop this generation from winning freedom, taking charge of their destiny and taking part in shaping the world of the future. No matter all the staggering, mistakes, crises, and stalemates, this process is irreversible and unstoppable.”

Inclusive Islam
Bosnian President said, “The spirit of Islam is inclusive. It acknowledges all that is good and progressive. It is not destructive. It builds and upgrades. Anything that makes the world better and liberates human creativity cannot be against Islam. Anything that is truly Islamic cannot be against freedom, progress and the liberation of human potential.”

Muslim contribution to universal
culture and civilization
He also mentioned, “In not so distant past, Muslims made colossal contributions to the development of universal culture and civilization because that generation of Muslims accepted, with joy and curiosity, and then cultivated, the knowledge discovered in the conquered territories. One Byzantine emperor noted with amazement that an Arab general, whom he called "barbarian,” sought, as a term of armistice, the right to purchase Greek manuscripts. Cultural, scientific, and technological ideas and advances could not be prevented from disseminating even then, in the time when the territories and nations were strictly separated.”

Formula of inclusiveness and integration
“There is an intense battle of ideas and ideologies, which permeate, collide and create synergies,” mentioned Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic and said, “Muslims must engage in this battle. We must remain open to dialogue. We must not be poisoned by the bitterness accumulated through centuries of physical and spiritual domination by the West. We must not fall into the trap of radicalism. We must not give in to the desire for revenge. We must not fear the other and the different. We must not subscribe to the dangerous ideologies of isolation, introversion and exclusiveness. We have to look for a formula of inclusiveness, for a functional combination of the original Islamic values and the best of values we consider Western and modern. European Muslims play a special role in the quest for this formula of integration and inclusiveness because we are in direct contact with and immersed in Western culture, and because we have a special interest in reconciling the traditional within and the modern around us.”

Europe is not the birthplace of
Any monotheistic religion
Europe is not the birthplace of any monotheistic religion. President Izetbegovic mentioned, “When we talk about Islam and Muslims in Europe, it is necessary to immediately refute the view that Europe is exclusively Christian and that European culture is exclusively Judeo-Christian. It is especially important to refute the dangerous fallacy about the alleged cultural and civilizational conflict between the supposedly progressive Christian Europe, on one hand, and supposedly retrograde Islamic-Oriental threat, on the other hand.”

“Europe is not the birth place of any of the great monotheistic religions. Jesus Christ was neither born, nor did he preach in Europe. All three great monotheistic religions came from the same source, from the same, relatively narrow geographic region. Most importantly, all three religions brought nearly identical messages and teach identical basic values. Islam is no stranger to Europe. Nor is Islam alien to the spirit of Europe,” said Bosnian President

Islam intensely present in Europe
Quite the contrary, he said, “there probably would not be what we know today as the spirit of Europe without Islam’s contribution to the formation of European identity and culture. Islam has been intensely present in Europe for over 1,300 years, having arrived in some of its parts more than two centuries before Christianity. The Umayyad Caliphate was established on European soil in the early eighth century. The Islamic state had reached heights in philosophy, science, technology and state organization by the time Christianity expanded to eastern, central and northern Europe. Islam influenced the formation of spiritual and cultural identity in north-eastern Europe through the Golden Horde and the Crimean, Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates; and in south-eastern Europe through the vital and powerful Ottoman Empire.”

Humanistic revival in the West
Islamic thought introduced historical science and scientific method and laid the foundation of the Italian Renaissance. Bosnian President said, “Islamic thought initiated the humanistic revival in the West, introduced historical science and the scientific method, helped Scholastics reconcile philosophy with faith, stimulated Western mysticism, laid the foundations of the Italian renaissance, and directed modern European thought until Kant. Muslims were the bearers of progress in that era. They were the bridge between the philosophy and knowledge of the ancient Greece and the science of the Western world. Much has been written and said, including at this Centre, about the contributions of Islamic scholars to medicine, mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, geography, architecture and finance. All of this clearly confirms that Muslims are the co-creators, and thus co-owners, of European culture and civilization.”

We must harmonize our actions
with His (God’s) Will
Concluding his lecture, Bosnian President said, “We belong to a living faith whose return to the global stage will mark the twenty-first century, a faith that will have to contribute to stopping negative global trends. The growing power of humankind brings progress and prosperity. Yet, the selfish side of that power cuts into the very substance on which our future depends – our physical habitat and our spiritual essence. Our world is changing at a speed and in a direction that is worrysome. There is ever more violence, alienation, injustice, inequality, intolerance, pollution and depletion of natural resources. And there is ever less goodness, justice, compassion, humanity, solidarity, healthy relations and family life.”

“The direction in which the world is going must be changed. Ideologies that do not respect God, or are against God, are obviously not capable of doing that. It can be done only by those who respect the One who created the world and the order of things within it. The wondrous planet on which we live and die is completely unique in the universe. There is nothing like it in the sight of the most powerful telescopes. We are used to it, so this wonder no longer astonishes us,” said Bosnian President and added, “Everything on this planet is a testimony to the Almighty Creator’s touch and His intent to make a home for us. He endowed us with a miraculous gift: free will in a world that is completely determined. We must show appreciation and responsibility. We must harmonize our actions with His Will. We must bear this gift properly, with devotion. Particularly those of us He calls the Devoted.”

Sunday 17 November 2013

The Month of Muharram - An Auspicious Time

The Month of Muharram:an Auspicious Time
Dr. Mozammel Haque
The Islamic Calendar is based on the Lunar Calendar consisting of 354-355 days annually and is 10-11 days shorter than the Solar Calendar. The Lunar month is based on the time it takes the moon to complete a single orbit around the earth and it is just over 29 and half days. There are many advantages to the Lunar Calendar. For example, the various dates in the Islamic Calendar such as Ramadan and Hajj rotate every year and are not fixed like the Solar year. People, therefore, will perform acts of worship in various climatic conditions and in different length of hours in submission to the Will of Allah where human imagination plays no part.
Origin of the Hijri Calendar
The Islamic Calendar was first introduced by the close companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the second Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) in 16 AH/637 AD. During his leadership of the Muslim community in approximately, 637 AD, he consulted with his advisors in order to come to a decision regarding the various dating systems used at that time. It was agreed that the appropriate reference point for the Islamic Calendar was the Hijrah, since it wasc an important turning point for the Muslim community.

The event of Hijrah, the migration of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah in 622 AD was chosen to begin the Islamic Calendar because it was the first major sacrifice made by the whole Muslim Ummah for the preservation of Islam in its formative period. After the emigration to Madinah (formerly known as Yathrib), the Muslims were able to organise and establish the first real Muslim community, the real Islamic state with social, political, and economic independence.

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic Calendar.There are twelve months in the Islamic Calendar. As the Qur'an says:

Lo! The number of the months with Allāh is twelve months by Allāhs Ordinance in the day that He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred: that is the right religion. So wrong not yourselves in them...(Al-Qur'an - 9:36)

"It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory, and the moon to be a light of beauty, and measured out stages for it, that you might know the number of years and the count of time. Allah did not create this except in truth and righteousness. And He explains His signs in detail, for those who understand" (10:5).
In  his final sermon before his death, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, among other things, "With Allah the months are twelve; four of them are holy; three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumaada and Sha'ban."

The four sacred months (al-Asshhur al-Hurum) are Rajab, Dhul Qadah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram. Out of the four sacred months, Muharram has been blessed with certain specific virtues.

The companions were also consulted on which month should mark the beginning of the year, Caliph Umar al-Khattab and Uthman ibn Affaan (May Allah be pleased with them), chose Al-Muharram due to it being a sacred month and because it follows the month of Dhul Hijjah, which is when the Muslims perform Hajj – or the pilgrimage, w2hich was the last pillar of Islam that Allah enjoined upon the Muslims. Al-Muharram also follows the month in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) pledged allegiance to the Ansar (his Madinain supporters) to emigrate to Madinah and this pledge of Allegiance was one of the introductory acts of emigration. Due to all these reasons, Al-Muharram was deemed the most suitable month to begin the Islamic Calendar.

Muharram the first month of the Islamic Calendar, were considered sacred. Muharram is so called because it was unlawful to fight during this month; the word is derived from the word “haram” meaning forbidden.

The month of Muharram is also of great religious significance to Muslims the world over. It is held to be the most sacred of all the months, excluding Ramadan. The word “Muharram” is often considered synonymous with “Ashura”, the tenth day of the month of Muharram.

Fasting in the month of Muharram
Fasting is advocated in the month of Muharram. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upoon him) said: “The best fasts after the fasts of Ramadan are those of the month of Muharram.” Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, yet one who fasts in these days out of his own will is entitled to a great reward by Allah the Almighty.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said:

"The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhan is the fasting of Allah's month of Muharram." (Muslim)

In another Hadeeth, Ibn Abbas reports: "that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) said: "The one that keeps a fast in the month of Muharram will receive the reward of thirty fasts for each fast (in this sacred month)." (Tabraani)

Although the fasts of the month of Muharram are not obligatory, the one who fasts in these days out of his own will and choice is entitled to a great reward by Almighty Allah. The Hadith citied above signifies that the fasts of the month of Muharram are the most rewardable among the Nafl fasts i.e. the fasts one observes out of his own choice without being obligatory on him.

10th day of Muharram (Aashora)
Although the month of Muharram is a sacred month as a whole, the 10th of Muharram is the most sacred among all its days. The day is named “ashurah”. It is one of the most important and blessed days of Allah in the Islamic Calendar. Some ulama (Scholars) are of the opinion  that before the fasts of Ramadan, the fast of the day of Ashurah was compulsory upon the ummah. This is stated in a Hadith reported by A'ishah that the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered the observance of the fast of Ashurah. However, when the fast of Ramadan became compul;sory, then whosoever wished, kept this fast and whosoever desired did not observe the fast. (Bukhari)

Ibn Abbas reported, “I did not see Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wassallam anxiously await the fast of any day, which he gave preference to over other days, but this day, the day of Ashura.” (Bukhari)

It is also said by scholars that since the beginning of this world, Ashura day has been a very important day. On this day great signs of Allahs power and glory have appeared in the world. On this day many Prophets were born and they were instituted to the office of prophecy. On this day, Prophets, Saints and Sincere servants of Allah were blessed with miracles and spiritual powers.

On Ashura Day the following have taken place:

1. Repentance of Prophet Adam (Allahs blessing be upon him) was accepted by Allah

2. The ship of Prophet Nuh (Noah) (Allahs blessing be upon him) came to rest on a mountain called Al-Judi.

3. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (Allahs blessings be upon him) was born on this day.

4. He got the title Khalil-ullah (friend of Allah) on this day.

5. The fire in which Prophet Ibrahim (Allahs blessings be upon him) was thrown by the king Namrud become cool and means of safety for Prophet Ibrahim, by the order of Allah.

6. Allah delivered Prophet Ayub (Job) (Allahs blessings be upon him) from distress and he was restored to prosperity.

7. By the Grace of Allah, Prophet Yunas (Jonah) (Allahs blessings be upon him), after being swallowed by a huge fish (whale) for forty days, was casted out on the shore.

8. Prophet Mussa (Moses) (Allahs blessings be upon him) got victory over Pharaoh.

9. Prophet Suleman (Solomon) (Allahs blessings be upon him) was made a king to rule over mankind, Jins, Animals and the air.

10. Prophet Idris (Enoch) (Allahs blessings be upon him) and Prophet Issa (Jesus) (Allahs blessings be upon him) were lifted up alive.

11. Imam Hussain (Allah be pleased with him), the grandson of our beloved Prophet, got martyred at Karbala in Iraq.

12. The day of resurrection and judgement will take place on this day (Ashura)

(Ghunia-Al-Talibeen & Tafseer-e-Sawi)

The practice of fasting on Ashura was known even in the days of Jajiliyyah, before the Prophet'ds mission. It was reported that A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said: “The people of Jahiliyyah used to fast on that day.” It is also reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to fast on Ashura in Makkah, before he migrated to Madinah.

Abu Hurayrah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: 'The best of fasting after Ramadan is fasting Allah's month of Muharram.'” (Reported by Muslim, 1982)

Fasting on the day of Ashura (10th Muharram)  

According to the Holy companion, Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him), when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) migrated to Madinah, he found that the Jews of Madinah used to fast on the 10th day of Muharram. They said that it was the day on which the Holy Prophet Musa Alayhis Salaam and his followers crossed the Red Sea miraculously, and the Pharaoh was drowned in its water. On hearing this from the Jews, the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam said, “We are more closely related to Musa than you.” So the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam directed the Muslims to fast on the day of Ashura. (Abu Dawood)

According to another Hadith, it is more advisable that the fast of Ashura should be either preceeded or suceded by an additional fast. It means that one should fast two days: the 9th and 10th of Muharram or the 10th and 11th . The reason of this additional fast as mentioned by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam is that the Jews used to fast on the day of Ashura alone, and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam wanted to distinguish the Islamic-way of fasting from that of the Jews. Therefore, he advised Muslims to add another fast to the day of Ashura.

 Let us observe this great day according to the way of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and refrain from all innovations which deprive us of the blessings from Allāh the Almighty. May Allāh guide us all upon the Straight Path and save us from every act which brings His Displeasure. Āmīn.