Thursday 12 September 2024

Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) -A Mercy of Mankind for the whole world


Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon him –

 A Mercy of Mankind for the whole world

Dr. Mozammel Haque

This is the month of Rabi al-Awwal; the 12th day of this month Prophet Muhammad, the last and universal Prophet of Allah was born in Makkah al-Mukarramah. He was sent as a Mercy of Mankind for the whole world and for all times.

Followings are based on Friday Khutbah delivered by Imam Dr. Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais at the Masjid al-Haram Makkah al-Mukarramah on 30 October, 2020 and the Friday Khutbah of Masjid al-Aqsa on 30 October 2020.


Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Sudais said, “Dear Muslims, through all the difficulties of  this life and adversaries in the world there is something that continues to remain clear. It is the fact that the pristine and the brilliant teachings we have in Islam that aim to uplift people’s conduct and purify their souls. These words enable people to reach the pinnacle of having sentiment, holding firm belief, performing righteous deeds, worshipping Allah in the best way and dealing with Allah’s servant in a best manner. All of those things are always embodied in the statements and actions. All of those things were embodied in statements and actions by Allah’s Messenger Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam.


Imam Dr Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, Head of the Presidency of the Haramain in his Friday Khutbah on 30 October 2020, said, “More than fourteen centuries have elapsed since our Messenger sent by Allah, yet his graceful qualities have still present in all regions, they are qualities that reflect the treasure of dignity, of sanctity, serenity, beauty and wisdom in words and actions. Allah blessed Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam by favouring him and endowing him with many many traits and virtues. No written or spoken words are fully accomplished these traits despite them continually mentioned in various sayings including from the Mimbers upon which sermons are delivered and the Minarets from which the call for prayers are made.”

He also mentioned, “All people hear about Messenger and his qualities; their hearts are enlightened just as grounds are after the rainfalls; his conducts were dignified, his virtues were of high standard and all his words examined were comprehensive and concise; all goodness were guided and moderation is sound.”

Physical Form

Mentioning about his physical form, Sheikh Al-Sudais, said, “Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was sound in physical form as well as his conduct. As for his physical form, his complexion was right and radius; his face was bright; his appearance was pleasant; his two eyes were quite dark; his eye laces were too long; his voice had a bit of grapiness; his neck was a bit long; his hair was very black; his silent appearance was all aspiring.”

He also mentioned, “When spoke he was enveloped by gracefulness; he was the most elegant of people when at distance and the finest and serious when close by. His words were sweet to listen to. It was as though his speech was a series of gems coming in sequence one after another.”

Physical Appearances


Mentioning about his physical appearances, Imam Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Sudais said, “Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had a thick beard, wide shoulders, wide arms and wide feet. He was neither extremely tall and not so short that part of his body was compacted together. His hair was not very straight, not very curly. When he spoke he appeared as though light emanated from his speech. Abu Ishaq narrated Al-Bara was asked may Allah be pleased with him, was the face of the Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam was (as bright) like a sword; He said, “No. it was like a moon.” Abu Huraira further said he was a moderate high, had wide shoulders and his hair reaches his ear-lopes. It was collected by Sahih al-Bukhari.”

Sheikh al-Sudais also said, “Ali ibn Abi Talib described Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam was saying he was not very tall or very short. He had right arms, his head was large. When he walked he did so firm unhurried steps as if descending on a slope. Neither before nor after did I see anyone like him.”

He also mentioned, “Hasan Ibn Tabbit said about the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam in a long poetry conveying the meaning – my eyes never saw anyone better than you and woman had never given birth anyone better look than you. You were created without blemish as though you were made just the way you wanted to be.”

Emulating his example

Genuine love for him

The Head of the Presidency of Haramain said, “You must observe Taqwa in addition to anything follows the example of Allah’s Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam, since doing that emulating his example is the true mark of having love for him. That genuine love for him is an adjective far greater in making display of emotions, holding commemorating gatherings for him, recounting stories of him or composing poetry and songs about him. If you ask what genuine loves for him means in the truest things can be that lies in adhering to his brilliant teachings; those outwardly and inwardly ascribing him embody his pure conducts.”

He also said, “Even more programme and statement that our God, Our Lord, Allah says, [O Muhammad peace be upon him] if people truly love Allah, follow me; if you do so Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Allah is most forgiving and most merciful.”

Best of guidance

After mentioning two Hadiths narrated by Anas ibn Malik may Allah be pleased with him, of the humbleness of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam, the Head of the Presidency of the Haramain, Imam al-Sudais said, Preceding were some brief glimpses of the Hadiths first narrated about the Messenger who brought the best of guidance embodied the noblest phrase was addressed by Allah with most venerability and was granted the greatest of virtues. His guidance provides a precinct frame which quenches the thirst of anyone who seeks to attain salvation in this world and the hereafter. His guidance means a source of light of rays with brilliance. Even most of people were not able to see him with their eyes concentrating his guidance so provides comfort and solace. Emulating his example allows people to so company which he empowered it, although they did not get through his company in person. Emulating his example allows people in company.”


Strong connection between People

and Our Prophet Peace be upon him

There is a very strong connection and love which the people of our Ummah have for our Messenger right and straight.

Adopt True Conduct of Allah’s Messenger

Imam al-Sudais said, “From this perspective Mimber, one of its business is truth and peace, we extend sincere call to the entire world inviting them to adopt true conduct of Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam, that conduct urges us all to maintain complete peace and mercy between people  who follow different sets of laws without any sort of confusion, repudiation, mockery or negative insinuation towards religious leaders, and at the head of them can be multiple prophets, all of them, may Allah send blessings and peace of Allah upon all of them.”

The Head of the Presidency of Haramain also said, “We accept all Allah’s Messengers Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam. Furthermore, we say in the name of 1.8 billion Muslims, the weakest of them and the strongest of them, any sort of discouragement directed towards Allah’s Prophets and Messengers - that is specially a sore in a case of Allah’s Prophet, the Mercy for Mankind, our leader, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam.”

Inflammatory abuses

Imam al-Sudais said, “Abusing of drawings and inflammatory events are nothing besides a form of terrorism as well as extremism which feeds hatred bigotry. It is not freedom of expression; it aims to ridicule and mockery of peoples religious leaders which they hold sacred. On the contrary, such behaviour violates ethics and decency and it is not acceptable. It is not acceptable because it is a must for freedom of expression to give due consideration to human values which are based upon respecting the feelings of others. When expression goes beyond those values it becomes an affront to that freedom of expression. Such abuses give support to individual’s extremist ideas which foresee an atmosphere of hatred among the societies and decent human values.”

“Moreover, Islam is innocent of all those minor things and it is also innocent of being labelled to any type of terrorism. Islam is a religion of tolerance, mercy and harmony. Its teachings not contain terrorism, extremism, destruction, mockery, insults or rejection of any Messengers sent by Allah the Most Exalted,” said Imam al-Sudais.

Condemn any Criticism of Prophethood

“We extremely condemn any criticism of Prophethood and the sacred space of any religion especially the religion of Islam and even the religion of Christianity. Any unwarranted criticism, undignified criticism is a part of terror activities which is directed to specific community. It is below the level of dignity to disrespect other people, other culture and other sacred space and not respecting and hurting their feeling which is one of the ways of terrorising verbally or other methods,” said Imam Dr Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, Head of the Presidency of the Haramain in his Friday Khutbah on 30 October 2020.

This is the month of Rabi al-Awwal when Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was born in Makkah. Naturally this time the Khutbah at the Masjid al-Haram on 30 October 2020 delivered by Dr Sheikh Abdul Rahman al Sudais, Head of the Presidency of the Haramain, was on Prophet’s life and qualities.

Our Mission and Vision

Imam Dr. Sheikh Al-Sudais said, “Our mission and vision should be to follow the footsteps of Rasulullah Sallallahu Wa Sallam in our life in good time and in bad time. The mentioning of the Rasulullah Sallallahu Wa Sallam in his Sunnah following his Sunnah is not tied with any time and place; it is ever-lasting all the time we should remind ourselves God; the Sunnah, the footsteps of Rasulullah Sallallahu Wa Sallam. We should adopt all the good manners and dispel all our bad manners in the following the footsteps of Rasulullah Sallallahu Wa Sallam.”

He also mentioned, “Our policy and Sunnah of Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam is very clear. We respect all the religions and we interact with all of them with respect and dignity and we demand in return respect and dignity.”

Dr. Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Sudais also reminded, “Last thousand and one and a half millennium Muslims have dealt with all other communities and religions with utmost respect and never allowed any verbal terrorism against any communities or any religion in the world. Unwarranted criticism or derogate the sacred space and sacred personalities of any religion does not renegade or lower the status of any one except of those who indulge in that type of activities.”

“Muslims all over the world remember, commemorate and mention all the good qualities of our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam,” mentioned Dr Sheikh al-Sudais and added, “Even if others do not understand and recognise the deep love which Muslims hold for the holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam. Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam. So the love of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey Wa Sallam is central to this belief system and the Muslims are the most understanding but others who are not believers they failed to recognise and understand this.”

Imam Dr Sheikh al-Sudais also mentioned, “We accept all Allah’s Messengers may peace and blessings be upon all of them. Furthermore, we say in the name of 1.8 billion Muslims, the weakest of them and the strongest of them, any sort of discouragement directed towards Allah’s Prophets and Messengers - that is specially a sore in a case of Allah’s Prophet, the Mercy for Mankind, our leader, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam.

Call to people to control their feelings,

resist provocations and restrain from being harassed

The Head of the Presidency of Haramain said, “We also extend further call to people to control their feelings, resist provocations, restrain from being harassed and avoiding prudent actions and unrestrained reactions. Insults aimed at Allah’s Prophets and Messengers do not cause them any harm since Allah grants them sufficient protections against those who mocked them. Allah speaking well of His Prophets is far greater than any of them. Allah Himself had already given His support; Allah grants His Messengers sufficient protection against those who ridiculed. Allah always brings about what He has decreed; most people do not realize.”

The Imam Dr. Al-Sudais said, “Allah speaking well of His Prophet is far greater than any of them. We know and understand that Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala reassures Muslims that if you do not help Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam Allah is Sufficient to those people who mocked Prophet.”

He also mentioned, “Allah Himself had already given His support; Allah grants His Messenger sufficient protection against those who ridiculed. Allah always brings about what He has decreed; most people do not realize.”

Allah said in the Qur’an in Surat-ul-Hijr - Inna Kafaina


Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais mentioned, “Allah has said in the Holy Qur’an in Surat-ul-Hijr - Inna Kafaina – “Indeed, We are sufficient for you against the Mockers.” On 6th of November, 2020 Friday, the Imam of the Masjid al-Aqsa delivered Jumah Khutbah on mockery. He said, mockery was mentioned in the Qur’an more than 50 times. He also mentioned that Allah has said in the Holy Qur’an in Surat-ul-Hijr - Inna Kafaina – “Indeed, We are sufficient for you against the Mockers.”

The imam of the Masjid al-Aqsa said, “Allah speaks to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and He says to him, to the nearest meaning, and they have mocked other prophets before you and the one who mocked the prophets they were punished.”

The imam of the Masjid al-Aqsa mentioned, “The mocking is something that happened to all the prophets and Allah says defending His Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him in Surat-ul-Hijr, to the nearest meaning, We will protect you from the ones who mocked you.”

The Mercy of Mankind

The Imam spoke about Rahmatullil Alameen, The Mercy of Mankind, “How can they mock our Prophet when Allah, the Lord has said about him, We have only sent you as a Mercy of Mankind and in another verse, Allah said We have sent you to all Mankind to warn them. He, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He is a mercy; he is a gift to all mankind, in and mankind alike.”

The Imam of Masjid al-Aqsa narrated the story of Taif. “The people of Taif, they mocked him, they threw rocks at him, they chased him, they laughed at him until his blessed feet was bleeding. And what did he say – O Allah, guide my people as they do not know. He said, may be, may be from them people will come that believing in the Oneness of Allah. He is the Prophet of Mercy. And Allah described him and said you are of great characters and manners. What did the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said when he conquered Makkah to the people that had killed his people and tortured them? He said Go you are free. This is what he said to his enemies, the ones who had tortured him, who have fought against him, who had killed his people. He did not burn a tree; he did not kill them; he did not cause even destruction in their lands, He said: Go you are free.”

This is the Seerah, the story of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and there are many other stories and other stories of his mercy upon Muslims and non-Muslims. We ask everyone to learn and read about the Seerah, the stories of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and understand his footsteps, understand what he did and follow his footsteps.

Courtsey@Haramain Info And @Islam Channel

First Published  in November 2020

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