Monday 8 March 2021

Khutbah at Masjid al-Nabawi on Sacred Months

Dr Mozammel Haque


Sheikh Dr. Abdullah al-Buaijan delivered his Friday Khutbah on the Sacred Months at Masjid al-Nabawi, Madinah al-Munawwarrah, on 19 February, 2021. He said, “Let us ponder that times months and the days seem to be similar but Allah has given some times, some places, some nights  and some days some extra qualities like Night of Power and Day of Jumah and Day of Arafah and month of Ramadan – all these are sacred and important time. They are different than other times. They have  higher respect and higher rewards. Similarly, twelve months as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has destined there are four months which are sacred months. They are important and special months. And this month of Rajab is first of them in the year – next will be Dhul Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram-Ul-Haram.”


He also mentioned, “Don’t wrong yourselves during this time. As on the Farewell Sermon Rasullallah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam declared that now time has been reset like the day Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has created human beings and the time. Twelve months are destined and four months are sacred months: Rajab, Dhul Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram-Ul-Haram. In the Farewell Sermon Rasulullah ask which day is it? Which month is it? Which place is it? Then he reconfirmed that this is the month of Dhul-Hijjah, this is the sacred city and this is the Qurbani day – the sacrifice day. Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam declared that each and every believers’ property, their blood and their reputation and they are all sacred like the sacredness of this day in this place and this month. Don’t go retreating or reverse on your belief and after my passing away,  don’t start killing each other and getting astray.”


The Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi said, “Let us realise that the best book is the Book of Allah, best saying is the La Ilaha Illallah, best religion is the Millat of Ibrahim Alaihey wa Sallam and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam and the worst and evil matters are the matters of Bidah and innovation in the religion and every innovation in religion is leading to astray. O People let us realise that the looks of the world is deceiving and Akhirah – the next life is the enduring life and the reward place. Whoever does any good or any bad things he will see on the Day of Judgement.”


Sheikh al-Buaijan mentioned, “As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that O People, be afraid of Allah and prepare for tomorrow and Allah knows what you are doing. Let us ponder that times months and the days seem to be similar but Allah has given some times, some places, some nights  and some days some extra qualities like Night of Power and Day of Jumah and Day of Arafah and month of Ramadan – all these are sacred and important time. They are different than other times. They have higher respect and higher rewards. Similarly, twelve months as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has destined there are four months which are sacred months. They are important and special months. And this month of Rajab is first of them in the year – next will be Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram- Ul-Haram.”

“At the end of the Farewell Sermon, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam reconfirmed – Did I convey the Message? People said – Yes. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that in the sacred months we should not transgress ourselves. Transgression is against ourselves and doing wrong yourself by committing sins, by not respecting this months and not doing good deeds after the bad deeds. No one can forgive except Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Those who wrong themselves they repent to Allah and they don’t insist on their rebellion,” mentioned the Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi.


Sheikh Dr. al-Buaijan said, “Part of the respect of this month is to do good deeds and refrain from bad deeds and sinful activities because those who respect the sacred months it is better for us in short and long term. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala re-enforces that those who respect the sacred months it is better for them in the eyes of Allah. So the part of respect is not to commit any sin and rebellion against the commandments of Allah and in the sacred months the rewards are increased and punishment is also severe during the sacred months.”


The imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi also mentioned, “Even during the Jahiliyyah before Islam came, the Arabs used to respect all these four months and they used to restrain themselves even if they saw the killer of their own father, they would not touch him during this months of sacredness. As our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  was asked as it is said in the Qur’an that people ask you about the sacred months fighting and taking revenge during the months of sacred, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala re-enforces that the sacredness is good and killing each other is prohibited, but fitnah and trial and tribulations and driving people out of the Haram from Makkah is more criminal than Qatal. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says to leave the sinful activities in private and public. Let us hope that Allah gives barakah what we have heard from the Qur’an and the Sunnah and we seek forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala because He is Only Forgiving on those who seek forgiveness and He is Oft-Forgiving.”


Sheikh al-Buaijan said, “Let us realise, O people that Allah did not create us for nothing, without purpose or reason. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says He has created us for a purpose. This world is temporary; Akhirah is the permanent eternal place; punishment and reward will be as we have done in this world. The wise are those people who control themselves and expect goodness from Allah and the people who are lost are those people who commit sin and then expect to be forgiven without anything.”


Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi mentioned, “During this month, during this lockdown, during this pandemic, let us value our spare time as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  says that those of you who live longer and do good deeds they are the best people. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said that anything you do send forward you will find it with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.”


Sheikh al-Buaijan said, “Respecting the sacred months and using this spare time to do good and refrain from sinful activities is the part of being sensitive to this sacred month. Let us not delay our Tawbah and our resolution to do good and refrain from bad on things as Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas reported from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  to his young that O person, O believers please value your youth before your old age, value your health before you fall ill, value your prosperity before you become poor and value your spare time before you get busy and preoccupied, value your life before the death.”


Sheikh al-Buaijan also said, “According to the Messenger of Allah, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  said that spare time and good health are the two things which people  ignore and wasted and many people get duped about this things. Value our spare time and our health. Opportunities are abundant, to do good and refrain from bad things.. Part of respecting this month is to refrain from committing any sinful activity or committing any and doubtful activity and refrain from committing any Bidah and innovations which have no basis in the Shari’ah.”


The Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi mentioned, “There are so many traditions developed for this month Rajab and it has been developed over the time and over the history and there is no basis for it in the religion. As our Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said he has left us on a very clear guidelines and clarity of the matter. There is no ambiguity but people add and invent things without any authority and anything.”


Sheikh al-Buaijan said, “One of the Farewell Sermons which Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  gave, people thought or it looked like a last will of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam . Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam said that I urge you to observe the fear of Allah and to listen and obey and follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam – follow the Sunnah and do not resort to any innovation and Bidah, which has no basis in the religion.”


Full Khutbah

Followings are the full khutbah at the Masjid al-Nabawi, Madinah al-Munawwarrah,  delivered by Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Al-Buaijan on 19 February, 2021, [rendered into English by Mufti Barkatullah @ Islam Channel, UK]


“Indeed, all praise belongs to Allah. Praise and thanks Allah and seek help from Allah. We seek refuge from the worst effects of our actions. Those whom Allah guides no one can lead them astray and those who are led astray no one can guide them. I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam is the Universal Messenger Allah sent him to the humanity as a Mercy of the Worlds and Allah spreads the guidance and Nur with Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam. May Allah send peace and blessings to his family his companions and the followers till the day of Judgement.


“After praising, let us realise that the best book is the Book of Allah, best saying is the La Ilaha Illallah, best religion is the Millat of Ibrahim Alaihey wa Sallam and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  and the worst and evil matters are the matters of Bidah and innovation in the religion and every innovation in religion is leading to astray. O People, let us realise that the looks of the world is deceiving and Akhirah – the next life is the enduring life and the reward place. Whoever does any good any bad things he will see on the Day of Judgement.


“As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that O People, be afraid of Allah and prepare for tomorrow and Allah knows what you are doing. Let us ponder that times months and the days seem to be similar but Allah has given some times, some places, some nights  and some days some extra qualities like Night of Power and Day of Jumah and Day of Arafah and month of Ramadan – all these are sacred and important time. They are different than other times. They have  higher respect and higher rewards. Similarly, twelve months as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has destined there are four months which are sacred months. They are important and special months. And this month of Rajab is first of them in the year – next will be Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram-Ul– Haram.


“Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that this is the established religion, established practice. So don’t wrong yourselves during this time. As on the Farewell Sermon Rasullallah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam declared that now time has been reset like the day Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has created human beings and the time. Twelve months are destined and four months are sacred months: Rajab, Dhul-Qadah, Dhul Hijjah and Muharram-Ul-Haram. In the Farewell Sermon Rasulullah ask which day is it? Which month is it? Which place is it? Then he reconfirmed that this is the month of  Dhul-Hijjah, this is the sacred city and this is the Qurbani day – the sacrifice day. Then Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam declared that each and every believers’ property, their blood and their reputation and they are all sacred like the sacredness of this day in this place and this month. Don’t go retreating or reverse on your belief and after my passing away,  don’t start killing each other and getting astray.


At the end of the Farewell Sermon, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam reconfirmed – Did I convey the Message? People said – Yes. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says in the Qur’an that in the sacred months we should not transgress ourselves. Transgression is against ourselves and doing wrong yourself by committing sins, by not respecting this months and not doing good deeds after the bad deeds. No one can forgive except Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Those who wrong themselves they repent to Allah and they don’t insist on their rebellion.


So part of the respect of this month is to do good deeds and refrain from bad deeds and sinful activities because those who respect the sacred months it is better for us in short and long term. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala re-enforces that those who respect the sacred months it is better for them in the eyes of Allah. So the part of respect is not to commit any sin and rebellion against the commandments of Allah and in the sacred months the rewards are increased and punishment is also severe during the sacred months.


Even during the Jahiliyya before Islam came, the Arabs used to respect all these four months and they used to restrain themselves even if they saw the killer of their own father they would not touch him during this months of sacredness. As our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  was asked as it is said in the Qur’an that people ask you about the sacred months fighting and taking revenge during the months of sacred, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala re-enforces that the sacredness is good and killing each other is prohibited, but fitnah and trial and tribulations and driving people out of the Haram from Makkah is more criminal than Qatal. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that to leave the sinful activities in private and public. So let us hope that Allah gives barakah what we have heard from the Qur’an and the Sunnah and we seek forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu wa Taala because He is Only Forgiving on those who seek forgiveness and He is Oft-Forgiving.


Second half

We thank Allah and praise Allah as it is appropriate to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and we send peace and blessings on Messengers and all the Friends of Allah. So let us realise, O people that Allah did not create us for nothing, without purpose or reason. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says He has created us for a purpose. This world is temporary; Akhirah is the permanent eternal place; punishment and reward will be as we have done in this world. The wise are those people who control themselves and expect goodness from Allah and the people who are lost are those people who commit sin and then expect to be forgiven without anything.


During this month, during this lockdown, during this pandemic, let us value our spare time as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  says that those of you who live longer and do good deeds they are the best people. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said that anything you do send forward you will find it with Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.


Respecting the sacred months and using this spare time to do good and refrain from sinful activities is the part of being sensitive to this sacred month. Let us not delay our Tawbah and our resolution to do good and refrain from bad on things as Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Abbas reported from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  to his young that O person, O believers please value your youth before your old age, value your health before you fall ill, value your prosperity before you become poor and value your spare time before you get busy and preoccupied, value your life before the death.


According to the Messenger of Allah, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  said that spare time and good health are the two things which people  ignore and wasted and many people get duped about this things. Value our spare time and our health. Opportunities are abundant to do good and refrain from bad things.. Part of respecting this month is to refrain from committing any sinful activity or committing any and doubtful activity and refrain from committing any Bidah and innovations which have no basis in the Shari’ah.


There are so many traditions developed for this month Rajab and it has been developed over the time and over the history and there is no basis for it in the religion. As our Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said he has left us on a very clear guidelines and clarity of the matter. There is no ambiguity but people add and invent things without any authority and anything.


One of the Farewell Sermons which Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam  gave, people thought or it looked like a last will of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam . Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam said that I urge you to observe the fear of Allah and to listen and obey and follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam – follow the Sunnah and do not resort to any innovation and Bidah, which has no basis in the religion.


Dua and Supplication

Let us pray to Allah SWT. O Allah, grant us security and protection and make this country the land of Islam, land of peace and tranquillity and O Allah, make all the lands of believers, lands of peace and tranquillity. O Allah, grant us peace and security in our land and empower the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his deputies and all the administration to do best for this country and the people. O Allah, You are All-Hearing; All-Listening. Give us good in this world and Hereafter and more living and sustaining the world. Put all our affairs rightful and don’t leave things to ourselves and don’t leave us alone. May Allah send peace and blessings on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam, his companions and his followers.



Courtesy: @Islam Channel, U.K.









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