Dr. Mozammel Haque
Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, Head of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques, in
his Jumah Khutmah Friday at the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah, on 19
February 2021, concentrated on three issues – in three parts – Firstly, Sheikh
al-Sudais spoke about the sacred months – Rajab, Dhul Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and
Muharram. Secondly, the Imam al-Sudais talked about the working life and the
retirement life and what should be done at the age of retirement or during the
retired life. Thirdly, Sheikh al-Sudais talked about precaution during the
Pandemic. What should be done during this pandemic ad what precautionary
measures should be take.
Sacred Months
al-Sudais started by saying: “Let us realise, O all the believers that we are
in the midst of one of the sacred months which is Rajab and as Allah Subhanahu
wa Taala says in the Qur’an that Allah has destined twelve months for the year and
some months are sacred. On the Day of Last Sermon Rasulullah declared that now
calendar is re-starting and Allah created twelve months – four months are
sacred and Rajab – this month, then Dhul Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram –
three months of Hajj.”
also mentioned, “When we are with our faith devoted to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala
this is our greatest asset, as our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa
Sallam has also re-enforced that I have been sent with the generous religion of
Hanifiyah – the Middle Path of the religion. This Deen is away from all types
of extremes or low points and it is a Middle Path for all the way of life, for
all the humanity till the Day of Judgement.”
of the Masjid al-Haram said, “Like various groups in the beginning of the Islamic
history, before coming Islam and after coming Islam, there are many groups used
to respect certain months and this sacred month of Rajab there is no specific
action or worship associated with this month. All the reports which are
circulating among us there is no credibility about them.”
of the Presidency of the Haramain said, “As we are familiar that all our
working life, practical active life works and then we retire at the end of our
active working life. As the retirement is a systematic transfer for
responsibilities between different generations as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said that these dates, days and time we
offset, we change from one generation to another and from one people to other
people. So the retired people, who are retired at the matured age, they can
devote themselves to do some more passionate and other things which they have done while they were in active service.,

of the Masjid al-Haram said, “The retirement, as it is perceived, may be
regarded as the new life, as a new lease of life to do things which are more
useful and more productive and useful for the Day of Judgement. Apart from
retirement, those who are fortunate retired they are relieved from day to day
family maintenance issues but their responsibilities become larger and wider to the society and to
continue to the welfare of the society, social welfare.”
al-Sudais mentioned, “As people who have gone before us they used to retire
early to devote themselves to more focus and more passionate things as
Sayyidina Omar bin al-Khattab RA has said that I hate to see people sitting
idle doing nothing. They should really invent and create new roles and new
passion and new contribution to the society. As on the Day of Judgement we will
be asked about our time, our resources, money and all the expertise which we
have acquired during the life-long working. Retired people have more expertise
to dispense and more wisdom to work with and achieve things which other young
and other youth cannot do it.”
Responsibilities of the Retired people:
Looking after the Orphans and Widows
of the Masjid al-Haram said, “The responsibilities of the people who are now at
the retirement age is not to withdraw from life but to find a new role and to
contribute to the welfare of the society. So there are various fields open for
the charitable work, for the academic work or any other human welfare like we
can help other, we can assist those who are experts; we can assist those people
who led things – all types of social welfare activities and looking after the
orphans and widows and all those people who are deprived of some other
facilities which we can fulfil – all the needs of the societies – various
segments of the society and contribute fully during our retirement.
Deserving people
al-Sudais mentioned, “The most deserving people for our retirement
preoccupation are firstly our immediate family immediate neighbourhood and our
town and city and the country and the world. Whole opportunity is open
depending on the aspirations of the people as all the Ambiays (Prophets) and
Salaf-Saliheen (pious predecessors) the previous pious people have done. That
they have devoted themselves to the service of the humanity.”
of the Masjid al-Haram said, “O People, O those who are retired can do their
influence to resolve the disputes among the others and use their influence and
wisdom to do things which others cannot do and this is only small contributions
and small contribution to the society who has provided for the rest of previous
working life.”
of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques mentioned, “As it is seen around the
world that the advanced societies have created separate and independent helping
associations for those people who are retired and for their welfare, for their
own issues and for their volunteering to the betterment of the rest of the
society. They have their own specific issues and they have special skill to
contribute. Those who are at the retirement age they can act as a role model to
the young and working people and benefit their lifelong experience and
expertise and wisdom to all the places where they can contribute as Allah Subhanahu
wa Taala says that O Muhammad, declare that all my prayers, all my life is
devoted for the sake of Allah and I am Muslim and I am one of the believers. O
Allah, give us Tawfiq to complete the month of Rajab and Sha’aban and make us benefit
from the incoming Ramadan. I say this and remind myself and all the people and
I seek forgiveness for you and for us and for all the people. So let us repent
to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Allah is very much answering those who repent to
Precaution Against Pandemic
of the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques said, “Let us re-enforce the concept that obedience to Allah and obedience to
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam and the administrative rulers who are
in charge of our public affairs, especially during pandemic, especially during
the trouble time or crisis time – all the instructions and all the guidelines
issued from the health department and other departments, internal and external
departments – they should be adhered to and they should be respected and
implemented to the letter and spirit of the law.”
of the Masjid al-Haram said, “There is a long time benefit for the whole
society, individually and collectively and the world at large. Obedience and
adhering to the guidelines; as Allah
Subhanahu wa Taala says that O believers, you should cooperate with each
other in good things and do not cooperate with each other for the disobedience
and rebellion.”
the Guidelines
Al-Sudais said, “Whatever guidelines, precautionary to prevent the pandemic and
viral infections and social distancing measurement which are in place – these
should not be criticised and they should be taken as they are, the
precautionary and preventative measures; there are benefits for each and every
one of us and for the society at large and we can see the benefits apparent in
our society and other societies.”
of the Masjid al-Haram said, “Those who violate these guidelines they deserve all
the penalties and punishments which are put in the system and not agreeing with
that is not a pretext, do not adhere to the preventative measurements which are
placed and of course among the measurements are taking vaccines, all injections
and things which prevent us from the future infections. As Allah Subhanahu wa
Taala has said that please don’t put yourselves into danger. By abstaining we might
be putting ourselves into danger as Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has
said that for every virus, every illness there is a cure.
the Preventative measures
of the Presidency of Haramain said, “Please do take precaution, do take
medications, do take the vaccinations and do not listen to hearsay and do not
succumb to the various rumours which are circulating and which are preventing
us from obedience to the administration and to the health guidelines and
dissemination of information In campaign against social distancing and against pandemic
precautionary measures is really rebellion. May Allah protect us from all the
rebellions and disobedience. All the citizens, all the guest workers, all the
visitors should observe all the guidelines which are in place during the visit
to the Two Holy Mosques. Let us cope with the obedience and adherence to these
guidelines will give us reward in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and
protect us from all the future infections.”
Full Khutbah at Masjid al-Haram
are the full khutbah at the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah, delivered by Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman
Al-Sudais, on 19 February, 2021, [rendered into English by Mufti Barkatullah @
Islam Channel, UK]
Dr. Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, started his Khutbah, saying, “Indeed all praise
belongs to Allah. We than Allah Subhanahu
wa Taala for all the Favours He has given us and we seek forgiveness for all
our transgression and shortcomings. O Allah, You are the Sustainer and Creator
of this World. Whatever You say is all Truth, whatever You have sent Truth and
You . are Faithful to each and everything. O Allah, all praise belongs to You
for all the Favours of life which we enjoy. We bear witness that there is no
one worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam
is His Messenger and servant. Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam is the of
humanity. May Allah send peace and blessings upon Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey
wa Sallam and all his family, companions and those who follow Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihey wa Sallam till the Day of Judgement.”
praise, let us remind ourselves that Taqwa is the light of the heart and Taqwa
is the centre-point of observation in the religion of Islam, as Allah Subhanahu
wa Taala says that O believers, be afraid of Allah and look what you have sent
for tomorrow. As Allah knows what you are doing all the things you are doing.
So Taqwa is the best provision we can accumulate and take to the next world.
us realise, O all the believers that we are in the midst of one of the sacred
months which is Rajab and as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that in the Qur’an
that Allah has destined twelve months for the year and some months are sacred. On the Day of Last
Sermon Rasulullah declared that now calendar is re-starting and Allah created
twelve months – four months are sacred and Rajab – this month, then Dhul Qadah,
Dhul-Hijjah and Muharram – three months of Hajj.”
we are with our faith devoted to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala, this is our greatest
asset, as our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has also
re-enforced that I have been sent with the generous religion of Hanifiyah – the
Middle Path of the religion. This Deen is away from all types of extremes or
low points and it is a Middle Path for all the way of life, for all the
humanity till the Day of Judgement.”
various groups in the beginning of the Islamic history, before coming Islam and
after coming Islam, there are many groups used to respect certain months and
this sacred month of Rajab, there is no specific action or worship associated
with this month. All the reports which are circulating among us there is no
credibility about them.”
we are familiar that all our working life, practical active life works and then
we retire at the end of our active working life. As the retirement is a
systematic transfer for responsibilities between different generations as Allah
Subhanahu wa Taala has said that these
dates, days and time we offset, we change from one generation to another and
from one people to other people. So the retired people, who are retired at the
matured age, they can devote themselves to do some more passionate and other
things which they have done while they were in active service.
the retirement, as it is perceived, may be regarded as the new life, as a new
lease of life to do things which are more useful and more productive and useful
for the Day of Judgement. Apart from retirement, those who are fortunate
retired they are relieved from day to day family maintenance issues but their
responsibilities become larger and wider to the society and to continue to the
welfare of the society, social welfare.
people who have gone before us they used to retire early to devote themselves
to more focus and more passionate things as Sayyidina Omar bin al-Khattab RA
has said that I hate to see people sitting idle doing nothing. They should
really invent and create new roles and new passion and new contribution to the
society. As on the Day of Judgement we will be asked about our time, our
resources, money and all the expertise which we have acquired during the
life-long working. Retired people have more expertise to dispense and more
wisdom to work with and achieve things which other young and other youth cannot
do it.
the responsibilities of the people who are now at the retirement age is not to
withdraw from life but to find a new role and to contribute to the welfare of
the society. So there are various fields open for the charitable work, for the
academic work or any other human welfare like we can help other, we can assist
those who are experts; we can assist those people who led things – all types of
social welfare activities and looking after the orphans and widows and all
those people who are deprived of some other facilities which we can fulfil –
all the needs of the societies – various segments of the society and contribute
fully during our retirement.
most deserving people for our retirement preoccupation are firstly our
immediate family immediate neighbourhood and our town and city and the country
and the world. Whole opportunity is open depending on the aspirations of the
people as all the Ambias and Shale Saleheen the previous pious people have
done. That they have devoted themselves to the service of the humanity.
People, O those who are retired can do their influence to resolve the disputes
among the others and use their influence and wisdom to do things which others
cannot do and this is only small contributions and small contribution to the
society who has provided for the rest of previous working life.
it is seen around the world that the advanced societies have created separate
and independent helping associations for those people who are retired and for
their welfare, for their own issues and for their volunteering to the
betterment of the rest of the society. They have their own specific issues and
they have special skill to contribute. Those who are at the retirement age they
can act as a role model to the young and working people and benefit their
lifelong experience and expertise and wisdom to all the places where they can
contribute as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says that O Muhammad declare that all my
prayers, all my life is devoted for the sake of Allah and I am Muslim ad I am one
of the believers. O Allah, give us Tawfiq to complete the moth of Rajab and
Sha’aban ad make us benefit from the incoming Ramada. I say this ad remind
myself ad all the people ad I seek forgiveness for you ad for us ad for all the
people. So let us repent to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Allah is very much
answering those who repent to Him.
Second Half
Allah Subhanahu wa Taala who has bestowed upon us abundant favours and
facilities. I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah
and that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam is the Messenger to the
humanity. Let us pray that O Allah send peace and blessings upon Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihey wa Sallam, Muhammad ibn Abdullah and all his family and his companions and
those who believe in him till the Day of Judgement.
us urge each other to observe Taqwa in our private life and in our public life,
secretly and openly. Let us realise that Allah Guides those who guide and those
who do not follow the Sunnah they innovate and innovation is punishable. So let
us realise that obedience to Allah and obedience to Rasulullah Sallallahu
Alaihey wa Sallam and the administrative rulers who are in charge of our public
affairs, especially during pandemic, especially during the trouble time or
crisis time – all the instructions and all the guidelines issued from the
health department and other departments, internal and external departments –
they should be adhered to and they should be respected and implemented to the
letter and spirit of the law.
“There is a long time benefit for the whole society,
individually and collectively and the world at large. Obedience and adhering to
the guidelines; as Allah Subhanahu wa
Taala says that O believers, you should cooperate with each other in good
things and do not cooperate with each other for the disobedience and rebellion.
whatever guidelines, precautionary to prevent the pandemic and viral infections
and social distancing measurement which are in place – these should not be
criticised and they should be taken as they are the precautionary and
preventative measures. There are benefits for each and every one of us and for
the society at large and we can see the benefits apparent in our society and
other societies.
who violate these guidelines there are all the penalties and punishments which
are put in the system and not agreeing with that is not a pretext, not to adhere
to the preventative measurements which are placed. Of course among the
measurements are taking vaccines, all injections and things which prevent us
from the future infections. As Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has said that don’t put
yourselves into danger by abstaining. We are putting ourselves into danger as
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said that for every virus, every illness
there is a cure.
do take precaution, do take medications, do take the vaccinations and do not
listen to hearsay and do not succumb to the various rumours which are circulating,
which are preventing us from obedience to the administration and to the health
guidelines and dissemination information. In campaign against social distancing
and against pandemic precautionary measures is really rebellion. May Allah
protect us from all the rebellions and disobedience.
the citizens, all the guest workers, all the visitors should observe all the
guidelines which are in place during the visit to the Two Holy Mosques. Let us
cope with the obedience and adherence to thiese guidelines will give us reward
in the eyes of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and protect us from all the future infections.
Dua and Supplications
us now at the end pray for the peace and blessing to be sent on Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihey wa Sallam as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala urges us to pray for the peace
and blessings to be bestowed upon Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam because
as Allah Subhanahu wa Taala urges and Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam also
giving us a good news that if you do once Allah will protect you ten times and
give you the reward ten times and forgive your sins. So let us pray that O
Allah, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam and
his family and his companions like You have sent peace and blessings on Ibrahim
Alaihey wa Sallam and his family. O Allah, send barakah and growth and peace
and tranquillity on Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam like You have done
barakah with the Ibrahim Alaihey wa Sallam.
Allah be pleased with all the four Caliphs Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman and Ali RA and
other companions of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam and those who
followed them and all the members of the Ummat of the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihey wa Sallam. May Allah be pleased with all of them and with us all those
who followed the footsteps of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam.
us pray that O Allah, grant prominence to Islam and Muslims. O Allah, raise the
expression of truth and make our country, the country of peace and
tranquillity. O Allah, give us peace and sakina in our country, our land and
give Tawfiq and empower our rulers – the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and
his deputies to do best for the country and all the people who are living here.
O Allah, guide our rulers to work for the advancement of the religion of Islam
and to facilitate for the visitors to perform Umrah and Hajj in future here.
Allah, save us from all sort of torments and all the fitnah and all the
illnesses and all the pandemic, all the viral infections. O Allah, protect us
from the coronavirus. O Allah, protect us and all the Muslims, all the
believers and the rest of the humanity; save us from this pandemic and grant us
Your Mercy ad give us Tawfiq. Empower us to do good and refrain from bad. O
Allah, forgive all the people who are living and who have gone, passed away. O
Allah, give us Tawfiq to remain Muslims and die on Islam. O Allah, grant us
recovery from illnesses. O Allah, You are Most Merciful, forgive us and grant
us the best of this world and the Hereafter.
Allah, give all the security people all the protections and all the rewards
they deserve for the services they have rendered for the best of the country. O
Allah, save us from enemies plotting against the country and the holy places of
Islam. O Allah, grant freedom to the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. O Allah, give
us security and protection all the Muslims, all the believers in the Muslim
lands and the rest of the world. O Allah, grant us goodness in this world and
the Hereafter. O Allah, You are the Only Worthy of Worship; You are independent
and we are dependent on You. We are in need of You; Your Favour and Mercy. O
Allah, grant us mercy and listen to our plea for rain. O Allah, grant us rain
and Your Mercy encompasses for the useful and beneficial rain. O Allah, forgive
us and all our parents and grand parents and O Allah, forgive all the Muslims.
You are the listener, You are the Forgiver. O Allah, let us send peace be upon
Messengers and all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.”
@Islam Channel, U.K.