Sunday 29 November 2020

Khutbah at Masjid al-Nabawi on Knowledge and Learning

Dr Mozammel Haque


 Knowledge is the source of elevation as Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says that those who believe and those who have knowledge Allah raises their ranks, mentioned Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdurlrahman bin Al-Baijan, Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi on 13th November 2020 in his Friday Khutbah on knowledge.


He said,  “Based on knowledge all the civilizations and societies are built; all progress based on knowledge and knowledge is the criterion for morality and actions and progress and getting ahead in terms of being good.”


“Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala asks that would the people who knew and who do not know can they be equated – No; the answer is obvious. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala when He bears witness about Himself and accompanied with the witness of Malaika, Angels, then Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala witnesses with the people of knowledge, Ilm,” mentioned Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi.


Sheikh al-Baijan also said, “Those who possesses some knowledge and knowledgeable people, they know and understand about Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. They are the people who really are afraid of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala and understand the Creator. For the rest of humanity, it is their duty to ask the people of knowledge and nobody knows except the knowledgeable people.”


The Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi mentioned, “The people of knowledge are the inheritors of the people who are at the bequest of the ways of the Messengers and Prophets from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. For those who seek knowledge and those who acquire knowledge they are very much appraising the text.”


Sheikh al-Baijan also said, “Those who walk straight towards learning the knowledge Allah will make them their walking towards Jannah easy and the whole university, even the fish in the sea, pray for those people who seek knowledge because  it is the salvation of the whole world and salvation and sustainers of the world.”


Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi said, “Knowledge and learning and disseminating is the only thing which is under the Mercy of Allah, because as it is reported the whole worldly things are away from the Mercy of Allah except the Zikr-Allah mentioning the name of Allah or those who learn or teach others. Angels are in praise for those who devote themselves to learn the knowledge – the knowledge of the Qur’an, the knowledge of the Sunnah and the knowledge of Allah. Those who study Qur’an in a pondering manner Allah descends upon them sakina and peace and encompasses them with His Mercy.”


Sheikh Al-Baijan said, “Knowledge is the only torch-bearing towards Jannah and to raise your ranks and get higher and higher in your aspirations and it leads us to the highest position with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. With knowledge we can revive our hearts and gets the higher rank and we learn halal and haram and we learn all the thing which is useful and what is harmful to us.”


The Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi mentioned, “Acquiring knowledge is a rewarding rewardable activity. Disseminating and propagating knowledge is the another highest position that those among you are the best people; are those who learn Qur’an and teach Qur’an and Allah encourages that some people will always devote themselves to learn the Qur’an and understand religion and return to give Waz lecture to others.”


Sheikh al-Baijan said, “Education and knowledge is the basis of good moral and morality. By learning education and knowledge, we are able to develop rightful perspectives and secure us in a purely knowledgeable environment. And with knowledge we get firm belief and we are saved from the torments and tribulations and the torment of the life Hereafter.”


The Imam of the Masjid al-Nabawi said, “Knowledge is a perpetual charity. Learning teaching and reading the Qur’an and all the efforts drive towards learning is to save ourselves from the temptation and torment of the life and our teachers and our educators they should provide the best role model.”


“Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said anybody who teaches and guides others towards goodness, they get the rewards of all the people who follow that knowledge and goodness.”


Full Khutbah at Masjid al-Nabawi

Followings are the full khutbah Madinah al-Munawwarah delivered at the Masjid al-Nabawi by Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdulrahman bin al-Baijan on 13 November 2020, [rendered into English by Mufti Barkatullah at Islam Channel, UK]


“Indeed all praise belongs to Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, we praise Him and we seek forgiveness and help from Him, Allah. Those whom Allah guides, they are only guided and those who are let us astray, nobody guide them. I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger and His servant. He discharges his duties fully and left humanity at a very clear message and role model. May Allah send peace and blessings upon  Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam.


“The best thing which we can study is the Book of Allah and the Utterances of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. Anything which is away from it is innovation and all the innovations are going astray.


“O my listeners, be afraid of Allah and observe Taqwa and piety because Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala urges us and He wishes us to be careful and cautious with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala.


“Let us contemplate that the best thing and the highest thing in the universities is the knowledge. Knowledge is the source of elevation as Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says that those who believe and those who have knowledge Allah raises their ranks. Based on knowledge all the civilizations and societies are built; all progress based on knowledge and knowledge is the criterion for morality and actions and progress and getting ahead in terms of being good.


“Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala asks that would the people who knew and who do not know can they be equated – No; the answer is obvious. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala when He bears witness about Himself and accompanied with the witness of Malaika, Angels, then Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala witneses with the people of knowledge, Ilm.


“Those who possesses some knowledge and knowledgeable people, they knew and understand about Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, They are the people who really are afraid of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala Subhanahu Wa Taala and understand the Creator. For the rest of humanity, it is their duty to ask the people of knowledge and nobody knows except the knowledgeable people.


“For the people of knowledge are the inheritors of the people who are at the bequest of the ways of the Messengers and Prophets from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. For those who seek knowledge and those who acquire knowledge they are very much appraising the text. Those who walk straight towards learning the knowledge Allah will make them their walking towards Jannah easy and the whole university, even the fish in the sea, pray for those people who seek knowledge because  it is the salvation of the whole world and salvation and sustainers of the world.


“Knowledge and learning and disseminating is the only thing which is under the Mercy of Allah, because as it is reported the whole worldly things are away from the Mercy of Allah except the Zikr-Allah mentioning the name of Allah or those who learn or teach others.


“So angels are in praise for those who devote themselves to learn the knowledge – the knowledge of the Qur’an, the knowledge of the Sunnah and the knowledge of Allah. Those who study Qur’an in a pondering manner Allah descends upon them sakina and peace and encompasses them with His Mercy.


“Knowledge is the only torch-bearing towards Jannah and to raise your ranks and get higher and higher in your aspirations and it leads us to the highest position with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. With knowledge we can revive our hearts and gets the higher rank and we learn halal and haram and we learn all the thing which is useful and what is harmful to us.


“Knowledge can raise you to the rank of role model. As Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala equates His Own witnesses, His Malaika’s Witness and the people of knowledge’s witness that Allah is Alone; there is Tawheed. And the only real people who are afraid of Allah and caution with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala is the people of knowledge.


“Acquiring knowledge is a rewarding rewardable activity. Disseminating and propagating knowledge is the another highest position that those among you are the best people; are those who learn Qur’an and teach Qur’an and Allah encourages that some people will always devote themselves to learn the Qur’an and understand religion and return to give Waz lecture to others.


So I seek forgiveness and Tawfiq from Allah – Allah is the Only Forgiver and Giver of Tawfiq.


Second Half

“We praise Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala who taught us by the stroke of a pen and He taught us what we did not know and He bestows on us all the bounties of His Mercy.


“So the education and knowledge is the basis of good moral and morality. By learning education and knowledge, we are able to develop rightful perspectives and secure us in a purely knowledgeable environment. And with knowledge we get firm belief and we are saved from the torments and tribulations and the torment the life Hereafter.


“And the Education institutions are there to depart or part us the knowledge and equip us with highest morality. As Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said everyone of you is a leader and everyone is responsible for whatever they are leading so the husband is the household leaders; wife is the leader on the household and everyone has some domain of responsibility.


“It is necessary to follow the educational programme and cooperate with them too enrich our children and youngsters to treat them with the knowledge and understanding and moral conduct and behaviour. Because being teacher and learning is the only rewardable activity which is useful in this world and the Hereafter. And education and knowledge is a continuous charity, as our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said that after the death the only perpetual charity or knowledge departed left for the deceased to benefit them after they have done.


“So knowledge is a perpetual charity. Learning teaching and reading the Qur’an and all the efforts drive towards learning is to save ourselves from the temptation and torment of the life and our teachers and our educators they should provide the best role model; so let us be afraid of Allah  in terms of being role model for our youngsters; for the duty of the teachers and educators is to inculcate the good morals and knowledge and behaviour to the pupils; because they will earn higher rewards from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala; because as Prophet Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam has said anybody who teaches and guides others towards goodness, they get the rewards of all the people who follow that knowledge and goodness.


Everyone we get full rewards, nobody is discounted. Educators and teachers are the inheritors of the bequest from the Prophets and Messengers. So being in the company of knowledge, engaging in learning and disseminating information and knowledge is the highest rewardable activity.


So let us purify our intentions and only seek the pleasure of Allah. Anything you do here, you will find on the Day of Judgement.


So one of the basic principles of life is unity and sticking together and not creating any division and dispute. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says that Allah urges all the Messengers to establish religion and do not disagree with each other on establishing of the religion which is the proper belief and Shari’ah and be with the general body of the Muslims and the leadership. And follow the Book of Allah and Sunnah and the role model of the Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam and it is necessary to refrain from the divisions and parting and sectarianism or belonging to deviant groups.


Dua and Supplication

O Allah, let us ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala to unite us and give prominence to Islam and Muslims. O Allah, give us peace and tranquillity in our land and give Tawfiq  to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his deputy to work for the betterment of the country and for the betterment of the people living in it, whatever, give Tawfiq  from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. O Allah, give us goodness in this world and the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the Hereafter. O Allah, give us Tawfiq on your guided way. O Allah, help us all those security personnel who are working for the safety and security of the society. O Allah, we bear witness that You are the Only One Our Lord and there is no one worthy of worship except you. We all surrender to You and we are in need of Your help.


O Allah, help us by sending us useful rain, quenching our thirst. O Allah, send us plenty of rain without any adverse effect. O Allah, give us Your rain of mercy, because we are in need of rain and we are seeking forgiveness from You. O Allah, forgive all our sins and send the rain on us. We seek forgiveness from You. O Allah, send peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihey wa Sallam, and all the families and all the followers.



Courtesy: @Islam Channel, U.K.






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