Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Role of Scholars and Ulema

Role of Scholars and Ulema

Dr. Mozammel Haque

Before going into the question of who are scholars and what are their roles, it is essential to understand the philosophy of the religion, philosophy of Islam. Islam is a social religion or the religion for the society, not for individual only. Individual has to live within the society and has to perform his social activities and social responsibilities. Islam does not expect individual to be isolated or to live alone.

Philosophy of Islam
Speaking about the fundamental message and the philosophy of Islam, Dr. Ahmad al-Dubayan, Director General of the Islamic Cultural Centre & the London Central Mosque Trust, said, “Islam is more for the society; not individual religion which exactly tries to keep you individually isolated from other people. No. Islam itself is like those who work; like those who are very useful in the society; like those who having engagement with the people around them. They do the best for everybody.”

Explaining this point of the message of Islam, Dr. al-Dubayan narrated one incident from the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He said, “During the days of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam, there were two brothers one of them actually used to spend all his time praying, sitting in the mosque, doing nothing. Praying, doing Tasweeh, reading Qur’an; he does not go out; rarely he goes out from the mosque; because he kept all his time busy. On the other hand, his brother, this brother, he is one who goes to work, here and there; and buys something and sells in the market to earn some money to live; and then he spends some money for his brother, the other one who most of his time worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Then the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam asks about this man who most of the time worshipping. Then they told the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam, this is the man who dedicated his time for Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Prophet asks them, how does he live; they said he has a brother and this brother is actually spending some money for him. Then the Prophet said; the other one is worshipping more than this man; because other one is more engaged working for the benefit of himself; his family around him. He is more generous to those who need including his brother.”

“So the Qur’an, the deen of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala does not want to be like this; relying on people. They feed you; they give you and you are sitting and doing nothing. You said, I am reading Qur’an all the time; I am busy; so you prepare for me lunch, dinner or whatever and then. No; those who prepare this; they are, may be, closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala more than you. You have to understand the philosophy of the religion. How Islam sees this. It is not only the worship; it is worship and something else. More than other things,” said Dr. al-Dubayan and added, “For us, this is Islam; this is the real message of Islam. Now we believe in this; then what is the role of the scholars after the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam especially after the companions and followers.”

Who are scholar
Dr. al-Dubayan then spoke about the scholars and their role in society and religion. He said, “After the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam, especially after the companions and followers, like any other society, many people engaged themselves with knowledge studying the Qur’an, Hadiths These people became scholars. We all know four imams: Abu Hanifa, Malek, Ahmed, these four and other imams. By the way, we do not only have these imams; we have many imams, many; but these four are well-known; and they have many followers. Other imams, Imam Daud Ali, Imam Muhammad bin Tabari, Imam Shafei bin Rafei, ibn Saad Imam, I can give you many many names, they are all imams exactly equal to Abu Hanifa, to Shafie to Ahmed, to Malek. They used to have followers. But after all these centuries, the followers of the four imams become more well-known; many students wrote books about them. So they are well-known about the others; others did not have all this heritage left behind by their students.”

Role of Scholars
Now Dr. al-Dubayan spoke about the role of scholars. He first of all, enquired what are the role of these scholars and immediately replied, “The role of scholars is to teach people, to explain; and when something new happen, then they have what we call Ijtihad.” He said, “Ijtihad means I studied the Qur’an, then I know it, then okay, I know Allah Subhanahu wa Taala says what is forbidden in the Qur’an, what Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam said; then I can make judgement on some new things. For example, now smoking. Smoking did not happen during the days of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam. Smoking came only when Christopher Columbus went to America. He found Red Indians used to smoke. Then he carried this; he brought to Europe, from Europe people started to smoke. Then some companies were established, to make cigarette business; it becomes a very big industry in the world now; say four hundred years.”

Speaking about smoking, whether it is haram or halal, Dr. al-Dubayan said how we will decide that. He asked, “What do you think about smoking? Is it haram or halal? Now this is the Ijtihad. You will never find a text in the Qur’an or Hadiths of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam or imams talking about smoking. It was not known at that time. So how do you say it is haram or halal; based on what? This is the ijtihad. Now we will see; is smoking very useful? For you as a person or is it damaging your health, for example or wasting money. Based on this, scholars, many of them, said, well, it is haram like drugs. What about drugs? Drugs are even more, for example; even more than cigarettes; drugs is actually Haram. Why scholars said, it is haram. I know in some countries, some people say to you, no; no, it is not haram. I know some countries said it is not haram; because some of those Sheikhs I know unfortunately they themselves do it; they think it is not haram. I discussed with them, how come you brothers, you are doing this; you are damaging your society; it is haram brothers.”

Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol
Then Dr. al-Dubayan elaborated this point by giving various examples such as about Alcohol, Drugs and smoking. He said, “Alcohol is haram and there is even logic in Islam. Show me your authority in the Qur’an or in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him.) It is not mentioned but there is Ijtihad; anything you create it, making new damage; or damaging your health, wasting your time; wasting your money, actually that is why it is haram or at least it is hateful. Smoking is haram but drugs definitely haram, definitely. Drug is definitely haram; all kinds of them. About smoking, some scholars say, it is hateful; but you should avoid this;, but the word haram is big a little bit. But many great scholars say it is really haram, because it is damaging your health; wasting your money; that’s why some scholars say, like even wasting time is hateful; you cannot waste your time all the time.”

“Just for example, sitting somewhere playing chess or cards, you do nothing; if you do sometimes with friends; it is okay; but if somebody spends everyday like six seven hours playing cards, this is not allowed. Why? Because you are leaving some things which are more important in your life actually and you are keeping yourself busy with something which is not acceptable. You don’t give time to your family; you don’t give time to your wife; to your husband; to your children; you leave behind all your responsibilities; you just want to enjoy your time playing cards in a café with your friends. It goes beyond the normal limits; this is wasting of time. Though this is not wasting of health; it is wasting of time,” Dr. al-Dubayan mentioned. 

Waste anything is not allowed in Islam
Dr. al-Dubayan also mentioned about wasting anything is not allowed in Islam. He said, “Whatever you waste it is not allowed. Even waste of water; I talked about it once, it is not allowed. Wasting food, if you cook food, for example, for somebody in your home; for three people, when you are alone; meat rice or whatever, then you eat little and nobody is eating. Okay, throw it into the bin. This is haram. For you are destroying the natural resources; you are wasting food. You should give it to somebody to eat. If you don’t you must not cook it from the very beginning. Whenever you have extra food; try to find somebody who needs food, give it to him. Otherwise, if you cook specially for sisters, then don’t cook more than to eat; don’t cook because after that it would be in the bin. It is wasting of money, wasting the food, and wasting of time to cook it.”

Now going back to earlier discussion about the role of scholars Dr. al-Dubayan said, “The role of these scholars is really to judge the new things; to protect the Shari’ah; to protect the religion itself to keep it in proper perspective. After all these centuries; of course, there are many things added to the religion. The Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam told us in his Hadiths that this Ummah, Muslims, is going to be divided into 73 sects or schools; he is the one who told us. Someone asked him, then which one I will follow out of these 73? The Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam said those who are doing exactly the like I am doing now and my companions do; follow those. Those who are coming closer to the Qur’an and the real Sunnah of the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam they are the one who comes close to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.”

“If we come back to the principles I told you the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam delivered the message clear 100 per cent complete, nothing missing, nothing hidden. The Prophet said follow these messages I delivered. You should not add anything to it. Anybody adds something to it that is not from the Prophet, from the authority. The only authority is the Qur’an and the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam. If you remove a part of it you are not allowed to remove a part of it. Because this is the message complete from the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam,” mentioned Dr. Al-Dubayan.

No Hierarchy in Islam
In Islam, there is no hierarchy. Nobody has the authority above the Qur’an and Sunnah. Speaking about this aspect of Islam, Dr. Al-Dubayan mentioned, “In Islam itself, we don’t have any hierarchy, religious or administrative religious system. That means somebody can say, well, I decide this is to be haram; or I decided alcohol was haram but now somebody decided it is halal; no, you cannot. You cannot do this, because it is complete Islam; it is done. You have to follow as it is, if you can. If sometimes somebody is weak, and he drinks alcohol sometimes, for some reason or other; may Allah forgive him or forgive her.”

“But there is a difference; if someone does something, he knows it is wrong, and someone who says no, no. no, it is halal, it is not haram. It is even worse. Who tries to change the judgement of things even worse than the one who does something, then he knows not halal, but Allah forgives him and Inshallah he will repent or try to change; but may be he does not or next morning he or she met friends who drinks also and again becomes weak again and then drinks again and then try to make repent again and say again even today I will not do it again and do it again and again three times you promise and one day you will succeed, but don’t  say or  the devil comes to you and say: every day you say I will give it up and do it again, no need to give up just continue. This is the one devils wanted from you, don’t stop, try to change to be better even if you do the things again and again,” said Dr. Al-Dubayan.

Role of Ulema
Speaking about the role of Ulema Dr. al-Dubayan made it clear that the role of Ulema is to advice you, to give you guidance and at the same time you have the right to check its authenticity. He said, “If you hear anything from Ulema you have the right to check it; you have the right to ask him; can you show me where did you get it from the Qur’an; show me where did you get it from the Hadiths; don’t follow someone blindly. Just like this without asking about that. This is very very dangerous. If you see some Muslims anywhere in the world follow blindly; they sometimes even did something directly contradict the Shari’ah.”

Explaining the situation Dr. al-Dubayan gave an example. He said, “For example, Allah Subhanahu wa Taala told us some times in the year are blessed times. Like what? Like the month of Ramadan; Okay, like the day of Arafah, the blessed time; .say like the day of Jumah, the blessed times; like the day of Ashoorah. That’s why we fasted. How do we know these days are blessed days or times; because Allah Subhanahu wa Taala told us in the Qur’an or the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam told us to do this. More than this, we cannot do this. You cannot come and say: listen; by the way, the day Wednesday is the blessed day, fast. You cannot, because Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wassallam did not say that. The religion is you have to follow the Prophet. The religion is you have to go back to the source. Don’t take from anybody whatever he says.

Similarly, there are some places which Allah . Subhanahu wa Taala called them blessed places, Makkah is one of them.   

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